Upclose and Purrsonal Appearances
Art Festivals and Special Events
If you are in the Sarasota, Florida area, you can always make an appointment to come to my studio gallery to purchase artwork directly from me. Call 941.349.2562 or email drew@catmandrew.com
August 4, 2011 Buffalo, N.Y. 716-646-5577
Drew Strouble, America's Premier Cat Artist will be in town
for an exclusive show of his art work to benefit Ten Lives Club!
This event will include a live auction of his feline art featuring an original CatmanDrew painting made exclusively for Ten Lives Club! Over 60 pieces on display.
Thursday August 4 5:30pm - 8:00pm
Live auction begins at 7:15pm
The Eights Bistro
888 Main Street
Buffalo, NY 14202
Tickets $20 pre sale and $22 at the door - includes wine, beer, and appetizers.
Tickets can be purchased through the mail from TLC (please call 716-646-5577)
or at Tabby Town in the McKinley Mall.