I love your art. You are so well represented in my home. And everyone asks about you and loves your cats. I finally found you again. I just thought the other day to go on google and look for you. I fell in love with so many of your new works. One can't be too rich or too thin or have too many cats! And too many cat paintings by my favorite cat artist Drew. Thank you, Drew! Kathy

Hey, what a guy! (I bet you were a cat in a former life!)... I
currently have 5 feline housemates, 3 saved from the street/abusive homes.
Your beautiful and sensitive work is so telling as to how cats speak through
their eyes/body language. Rest assured I will be placing future orders! Diane
"My son, Bob, proud owner of seven (I believe it is seven although we have never been able to get a firm count) truly enjoys your art, as do I. Thank you for putting smiles on the faces of thousands of cat lovers, Drew." William F. |